Just The Cutest Little Things (1927)

Item title reads: “Just The Cutest Little Things! Kiddies keenly compete for honours in annual baby show and parade.“ New Jersey, United States of America (USA). Annual baby show and parade. M/S of a parade with a young boy dressed as a pirate standing on board a pirate ship float. Next there are toddlers in push chairs made up as floats, and pushed by their elegantly dressed mothers. The crowds watch. C/U of one baby, dressed as a King, complete with crown. He cries bitterly. Maybe the crown weighs heavy on his head. Another is dressed as a jack in a box, and he jumps up and smiles and waves at the camera. C/U of a sweet little girl with blond curls, dressed to be like a flower, and another in a stylish starry outfit. Two young boys are dressed up as Dempsey and Tunney, a topical news story, and stage a boxing match - filmed by a cameraman. Finally a burly man presents a large cup to a little girl. Note: VHS Sleeve title indicates ’Just the little cutest’ FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ.
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