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Roidmi eve plus
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— After each vacuum, ROIDMI EVE PLUS docks back to the disposal and charging station with a LED screen and empties the waste into the enclosed dust bag. The 3-liter large bag can hole 60 days of household waste and is easy to replace
— The 3L dust disposal bag, equal to some 30 dust bins, can hold waste for 60 days
---Low price and high value:ROIDMI EVE PLUS has three modes: vacuum, mop, and vacuum & mop. It’s one of the most
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1 week ago 00:32:36 1
Зазоры В Моторе! Важно знать!
1 week ago 00:19:52 1
Исламская ипотека. Им строят! Этнозамена, тюрьмы, алимент до 24. Золотой рубль Сталин, динар Каддафи