CALIFORNICATION: An Adventure Game that Pays Homage to the Homonimous Music Video by the Band RHCP

NOTE: The game has the option of select between the original song by RHCP and some covers, but we decided to play without music, to avoid YouTube copyright issues. Our Discord Server: Support our project on: Download free and more: Don’t click here: Game Description Californication is a short indie action-adventure game that was produced by Miquel Campos Orteza and published on February 28th of this year. The game is nothing more than a tribute to the song of the same name, created by the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and is basically a reproduction of the music video, where its members are like video game characters and go through several stages. The game was created as a personal will of gamedev, where he said that he wanted to play this “game“, and that he decided
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