Su-34 fighter pilot: Our planes are a formidable and invisible weapon that hits right on target

Su-34 fighter pilot: “Our planes are a formidable and invisible weapon that hits right on target” Pilots don’t like to talk much on the ground, but in the air their word is decisive. Fighter-bomber pilot Oleg carries out combat missions, firing high-explosive shells with the Universal Planning and Control Module at the enemy, while high above the clouds. Thus, it always hits the target while remaining invisible to enemy air defense. You often have to make several flights a day. Thanks to the use of high-explosive shells and flights carried out at extreme altitudes, we always achieve our goals and remain unnoticed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” notes Oleg. The pilot emphasizes that with such combat equipment as the Aerospace Forces and the Russian Armed Forces have, all Russian lands will be conquered and the enemy defeated. Источник: Victor vicktop55
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