News In Flashes (1960)

Item title reads - News in Flashes. Various locations. Various shots of crowds milling around in Seoul, South Korea, demonstrating against the result of the General Election which they believe was rigged. A police jeep comes tearing through dispersing them. M/S as they get off the trucks to disperse the crowds. Top shot of people arguing and pointing to the police. M/S women in the crowd yelling and pushing their way past camera. Two policemen push one of the men off the wagon. M/S three policemen carry another man off to the wagon, two holding his arms and one holding a leg. C/U of people carrying banners and yelling as they rush through the streets. Intertitle - ’London airport’. L/S photographers in front of a ’plane. M/S’s of the South African cricket team standing on steps of aeroplane. M/S as they file off. Various shots of the South African plane. M/S as their bus drives off. Various shots of political demonstrators by the roadside, some hold up banners reading ’Stop slavery in South Afri
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