Реклама Ред Булл Формула 1 (промо Ф1) / Red Bull: Red Bull Formula 1 (promo F1 Red Bull Racing)

Red Bull: beyond the ordinary. Red Bull Racing — австрийская автогоночная команда, участвующая в чемпионате «Формулы-1». Обладатель кубка конструкторов в 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 годах. Red Bull: Red Bull Formula 1 / Реклама Ред Булл Формула 1 Продакшн компания / Production Company: Shoot Happens Лучшая реклама, промо и трейлеры - только на канале Реклама. Подписаться на канал: In 2019 we got the sad news that Formula 1 wouldn’t be racing in Copenhagen, Denmark. This had been discussed at the highest level and was very close to be a reality. A few months later Red Bull Denmark held an event with Aston Martin Red Bull Racing in Copenhagen, to give the danish fans a taste of F1. The next day we had the opportunity to let the racer loose in the Danish country side. The F1 racer did get at taste for the Danish roads, nature and landscape. And they are a beautiful match. Hopefully we can have a race in Denmark in the future … В 2019 году команда
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