Goulag 3. Le temps de la terre (2000) Hélène Chatelain & Iosif Pasternak
Goulag is a precise and documented investigation by the opening of the archives during the 90s but also based on Russian literature or traveling historians like Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu. A voice-over, reminiscent in many ways of the style and vision of a Chris Marker (Hélène Châtelain is the actress of La Jetée), tries to organize the logic, reversed or paradoxical, which innervates the evolution of repression, rehabilitation...
1 year ago 01:20:21 1
Jean-Marie Le Pen dans L’Heure de Vérité | 13/02/1984 | Archive INA
1 year ago 00:27:00 1
Qui fut Alexandre Soljenitsyne ?
1 year ago 00:02:19 2
Secrets d’Histoire : Jeanne d’Arc, au nom de Dieu (sommaire)
2 years ago 01:04:04 1
1977: Jacques Attali, l’homme en question | Archive INA