Psycho Bitch - Georgina Sparks [FTtL]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gossip Girl or the song in this video. Okay, I started this video a million years ago, well actually just after but still, feels like a million years ago. And I needed to enter something ’funny’ for a contest, considering none of the videos I’m trying to churn out right now are funny, I had to either resort to an old idea and finish it or come up with something entirely new, and my muse is already being awkward so HERE WE ARE! lol. I wanted to get this up on Valentine’s Day (which it no longer is here), because I’m bitter and single and alone and therefore there is NO MUSHY VIDEO from me. I’m retaining an anti-Valentine’s moral until I finally have someone to celebrate it with. HA. It’s been ages since I uploaded a vid, but as I said, my muse is being a bitch. So I had 4 Sony Vegas files open to try and make me finish them, 1 down, 3 to go! (Well, ones only a new intro, but still, 3 FILES!)
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