YouTube Poop: Skellington’s Revenge

EDIT 6/9/14: Why didn’t I do this before? For those of you who don’t know, this is part of a single ongoing canon. Part 1 of “The Chronicles of Poop“ can be found here: EDIT: Stop asking for a sequel. It’s not happening. Now with Subtitles! (I’ve actually had them mostly done for a while, but decided to sit my ass down and finish them a few minutes ago) UPDATE: Alrighty, everyone, due to a sudden influx of people saying that this video’s been blocked for them, I’ve removed the offending song from the video using YouTube’s nifty “Remove Content ID Claimed Songs“ feature that they apparently have now (that’s in beta). So now EVERYONE can see it! Although, the video will be missing music at around 20:01. For that, I suggest playing the following song during that portion (or whatever Xmas music you see fit): Happy Xmas (Start the song at 1:59):
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