BEATBOX vs VIOLIN // THePETEBOX & Yasmine Azaiez - Wishing With You

Download Wishing With You from my store here - I’m super pleased to share my collaboration with violin virtuoso Yasmine Azaiez. It’s beatbox, voice, loop pedal and violin and am mega happy with how it turned out. Sick shiz. Please drop me a subscribe and a share if you feel it deserves it and check out Yasmine’s links below. I’ve had a lot of people ask/offer about helping me out after Pledge Music folded with thousands of pounds of my money for my album campaign and losing all my shows and income in these crazy times so I’ve made a Paypal Me link for anyone who can to drop me a tip! THANKYOU in advance, it’s crazy amazing any of you guys who are able to want to do this, it means so much // Lyrics: I’m on a vibe but you know that I feel low, You’re on my mind but I ain’t gonna let it show, And all the while I can feel that our fire is cold, Down we go, And I feel that
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