Breath of Life. The Unique Possessors of Neshama on Earth

The breath of life in Genesis 2:7 is neshama. God gave it to humans. Does it animate anything else? Yahveh formed humans out of dust, the most sterile part of the ground. He then breathed in the breath of life, the neshama, a unique ingredient we will identify in the next chapter. The question is, who are the lone recipients of this gift of God? Let’s first identify the Biblical Hebrew for breath of life because, as you will see, translations are anything but complete in this domain. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed (H5301) into his nostrils the breath (H5397) of life, and man became a living soul. This is an excerpt from “Mind-Body Problem Solved.“ Buy the book at If you’re new to this channel and want to learn more about The Explanation, then subscribe and hit the bell icon to receive notifications for the latest videos and events. Please like, comment, and share.
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