THANATOMASS :: Sorcery Of Hades

Listen to THANATOMASS’s brand new song ’Sorcery Of Hades’, which is taken from the band’s upcoming album ’Hades’. The debut full length will be released on May 12, 2023 Cover artwork & illustrations by D. Glomba / Teitan Arts Photos by Darksun Video by Tartaros Visions ORDER: At long last, THANATOMASS’ first official full-length arise with Hades. Here, immediately, past and present are consumed by unquenchable fire, an absolute bloodlust that cannot be sated - a near-overwhelming display of ultraviolent physicality that takes on a supernatural aspect, so impossibly askew is their With but a minute-long intro to set the stage and prepare the unsuspecting for the cosmic onslaught ahead, Hades kicks into contorting/spiraling form with the 10-minute epic “Templvm Carnalis / Vomit Ceremony,“ which mainlines the OTT diabolism of
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