Russia possesses powerful Bulava ICBM

Russian Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a very powerful nuclear weapon, capable of carrying up to 6-10 warheads and having a destructive power equivalent to 55 million tons of TNT. The power of one Bulava ICBM is equivalent to more than 30 Hiroshima atomic bombs. Bulava ICBMs are launched from Borei-class nuclear submarines, each of which can carry and launch up to 16 ICBMs. To penetrate the US missile defense system, the missiles are equipped with X-ray shielding and electronic countermeasures. Russia possesses five Borei-class nuclear submarines, which could potentially hide in the Arctic and launch Bulava ICBMs to attack the entire US territory. The current missile defense system is almost unable to intercept these missiles, which means that once Russia acts, no country can withstand their nuclear attack.
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