The Ballad of King Vahram - Epic Iranian Music

You can buy this song and the rest of my music here: A composition by Farya Faraji. The lyrics are in Middle-Persian, the chronological variety of the Persian language spoken in the Sasanian Era, and they are taken from a rhymed ballad dating to the time following the fall of the Sasanian Empire at the hands of the Arabic Rashidun Caliphate. According to J. C. Tavadia from โ€œThe Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Irelandโ€œ in 1955, while the exact date of the poem cannot be pinpointed, some estimates can be made. The greatest peculiarity of the poem is that it rhymes--as a general rule of thumb, Iranian and Greco-Roman poems of the Ancient World did not rhyme, and the concept was popularised by the Arabs following their expansion in the Early Middle-Ages. This would point to a late date for the poem, but Tavadia indicates that the use of certain, more archaic Middle-Persian words supports the idea that th
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