Философы - Philosophers (Marx Quotation Song)

A Soviet song originally written in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the October Revolution which puts one of Karl Marx’s most famous quotes to music. The quote also appears on Marx’s grave, alongside his rallying cry from The Communist Manifesto, “Workers of all lands, unite!“ Performer: RSFSR State Academic Choir (Государственная Республиканская Академическая Русская Хоровая Капелла) Year recorded: 1966 Composer: Sergei Prokofiev (Сергей Прокофьев) Year composed: 1937 Writer: Karl Marx Year Written: 1845 (Theses on Feuerbach) Source: Кантата к двадцатилетию Октября, соч. 74: IX. Философы Image: Soviet poster “Workers of the World, Unite!“ (Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!), Viktor Ivanov (Виктор Иванов), 1968.
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