Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners 14 - What is a Jenkins Pipeline + How to create Jenkins Pipeline

In this Video I am going to show What is Pipeline in Jenkins (DevOps) and How to create Jenkins Pipeline with an Example. In addition We will also see How to use Pipeline as Pipeline is a Whole suite of plugins (10 ) which are open-sourced and Shipped with Jenkins . These Pipeline plugins were Formerly commercially available by CloudBees, called Workflow. We use a file called Jekinsfile to Define pipeline as code (again Groovy DSL) stage(“Hello“) { echo “*Hello*“ } stage(“World“) { echo “*World*“ } Jenkins sample pipeline script ------------------------ pipeline { agent any stages { stage(’Example clean’) { steps { sh “rm -rf my-app“ sh “git clone “ sh “m ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Jenkins #Jenkins_Tutorial #Jenkins_Tutorial_For_Beginners #Introduction_to_Jenkins #Tutorial #Installation #Git_Setup #Configuration #Setup_Build_Jobs 20180718 yXeDNEKuu7E
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