Youth Aids Old Age (1959)

This is a duplicate of item - check for best quality. Titles read: “LAMBETH - YOUTH AIDS OLD AGE“. London. Various shots of children playing on a bombsite playground off Lambeth Walk. Young boys build a fire, others play on a metal climbing frame, two boys sit with their dog in the sandpit, more play on a makeshift roundabout. C/U of a sign reading ’Lollard Adventure Playground Association’. Interior shot of committee meeting of teenagers being held around a table. Mr Herbert Turner, organiser of the new playground, listens to a young girl (unnamed) and Jeff MacDaniels speaking. Commentator explains that Turner persuaded the young people to build huts on the recreation ground and use the place for hobbies and to help local old people. Teenagers Maureen Jenkins and Brenda Wood collect a shopping basket and list from pensioner Mrs Blake at her front door. Another girl scrubs a doorstep for a pensioner. Maureen and Brenda shop in the market for Mrs Blake. Various shots of bo
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