ASA Anatomy Of A Murder (1959) a film directed by Otto Preminger with James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara, Arthur O’Co...
Anatomy Of A Murder (1959)
An Army Lieutenant, Frederick Manion (Ben Gazarra), is accused of murdering a man, Barney Quill, for allegedly raping his beautiful wife, Laura Manion (Lee Remick). Manion’s lawyer, Paul Biegler (James Stewart), is assisted by his friend, Parnell McCarthy (Paul O’Connell), an alcoholic lawyer. They oppose the district attorney, Mitch Lodwick, and a state assistant attorney general, Claude Dancer (George C. Scott). Judge Weaver (Joseph Welch) presides over the trial. Several interesting issues of legal ethics are posed by the trial, which is a subject for another day.
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