Squires Sanders Flagship vintage classic CB radio from the 60’s on the air
Video of an old Squires Sanders ’The Flagship’ vintage CB radio from the 60’s listening to a local conversation with a little bit of local talking at the end. This is a transistor 23 channel AM CB radio made by Squires Sanders which was an Amateur Radio company that made high end equipment and used unique engineering techniques. The ;Noise silencer’ in this radio being one of them. This radio also used 1uf electrolytic caps to bypass the audio from stage to stage and they where bad when received, so it had no audio. All electrolytics where replaced, radio was then aligned using Sams CB21 which was the extremely similar Squires Sander ’The Admiral’. Once recapped and aligned, this radio has amazing sensitivity and hi fidelity audio receive. Audio on transmit was said to be low, but I was using a stock hand mic that just happened to be wired for this radio and this radio does not have any type of speech processing so a good power mike or speech processor may make a world of difference. So far, I like it a lot.
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Squires Sanders Flagship vintage classic CB radio from the 60’s on the air