CGI 3D Animated Short “Santa and Death“ by - Simpals | TheCGBros
A funny and well animated short film by the talented team at Simpals! Dji! The perfect gift is a book, a postcard fig! You can reread the book, the fig can be presented to another friend, but as for the postcard- you can enjoy it forever!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
For more information please visit:
Youtube channel:
About Simpals:
Simpals is a group of Moldovan companies which provides online services and owns one of the largest animation studios of the country, which has a portfolio of more than 100 advertising videos and 3 animated short films. Since 2008, the studio works on the first Moldovan 3D animated long film -- (Romanian)“Ţigan“ (The Gipsy). In 2010, Simpals opened “The School of Monsters“ () -- a school of animation and computer graphics.
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