Ivan Sokolov - Piano
Nikolai Korndorf (1947-2001) was a Russian (later Canadian) composer.
Korndorf studied composition with Sergei Balasanyan at the Moscow Conservatory from 1965 to 1970. During these years, he wrote a one-act opera A tale on... (Russian: Сказание про... – Skazanie pro...) based on the work of Semyon Kirsanov. In 1973, Korndorf completed post-graduate studies with his opera Feast in the Time of Plague based on the play of the same name by Alexander Pushkin.
He studied conducting with Leo Ginsburg from 1967 to 1979 and taught composition and orchestration at the Conservatory from 1972 to 1991. In 1973, he became a member of the Union of Composers and the Moscow Presidium of the Soviet Composers’ Union. He was a co-founder and deputy president of the New Association for Contemporary Music (ACM).
His early works were written in a traditional and academic manner until he adopted an atonal post-expressionist style. Later, he turned to a kind of minimalist repetitive aesthetic
7 months ago 00:16:43 32
[Nikolai Korndorf] A Letter to V. Martynov and G. Pelēcis for Piano (Score-Video)
9 months ago 01:35:23 1
Nikolai Korndorf - Symphony #3 - conductor Alexandr Lazarev
11 months ago 00:19:34 1
Н. С. Корндорф “Колыбельная“ для двух фортепиано (1984)
11 months ago 00:40:57 1
Н. Корндорф: пьеса “in D“, инструментовка этюдов Прокофьева - БКЗ Московской консерватории
12 months ago 00:27:28 1
Лекция 272. Николай Корндорф. Часть 1. | Композитор Иван Соколов о музыке.
12 months ago 00:37:51 2
«Protracted sleep»: TerminuS vocal ensemble
1 year ago 01:04:07 1
Лекция 266. Николай Каретников. | Композитор Иван Соколов о музыке.
1 year ago 01:02:12 1
Emily Carr String Quartet perform Nikolai Korndorf’s ’Quartet’