Crochet beaded Anatolian Lace of “Oya“

Anatolian Lace-NeckLace in process. Designing and creating by Ylvia Asal of Anatolia Turkish crochet is a type of thread crochet that uses a small hook and specific types of stitches to create a variety of lace designs. This type of crochet lace, also called “Oya“ is usually made of silk or cotton thread and very often incorporates beads into the design. It is used to make jewelry as well as decorative edging to shawls, scarves or other fabrics. In class will learn how to create loops and loop rows called chains and how to design motifs by knitting the chains one over another in a sequence of rows. In some patterns, the spaces between and in the loops could be left empty or filled with different number and type of wraps. Participants will learn how a variety of motifs could be created with jumps and openings in different sizes.
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