Crossplane - I Will Be King ( Official Video feat. Vocals by Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir)
I Will Be King von unserem Erstem Album - Class Of Hellhound High
I Will Be King from our first Album - Class Of Hellhound High
«We are CROSSPLANE and we play rock‘n‘roll!» So much for a ballsy announcement by these kerosin-oozing hellhounds of heavy sounds! Their touring/gig schedule is an impressive proof of this cocky confidence. The characteristic CROSSPLANE sound consists of rude Punk attitude, raw Rock, Metal chunks and a hefty helping of groove. Of course their current album „Backyard Frenzy“ is brimming with these highly explosive ingredients – produced by Waldstreet & Denroad (Grip Inc., Sodom, Moonspell, to name a few) and frontman Marcel „Celli“ Mönnig (released 2017 via 7Hard).
‘Wir sind Crossplane und wir spielen Rock`n`roll!’ Eine breitbeinige und direkte Ansage der Ruhrpott Höllenhunde, die definitiv Diesel im Blut haben! Beweise für diese Authentizität liefern sie zur Genüge mit Shows an fast jedem Wochenende. Der typische CROSSPLA