European conference held in Paris to discuss implementation of the US Marshall Plan for re...(1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Representatives of 16 countries meeting at the French Foreign Office in Paris for talks on European Recovery Program, with Ernest Bevin (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) giving a speech Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: European Conference Opens in Paris FRANCE: Paris: INT BELGIUM M. Spaak represents Belgium in 16 nation Recovery Conference in French Foreign Office ERNEST BEVIN Addresses Conference from Presidential Chair in 16 nations Recovery Conference in French Foreign Office in Paris. M. Bidault At 16 nati...on recovery conference in French Foreign Office to discuss Marshall Aid Plan CONFERENCES 16 Nation Recovery Conference in French Foreign Office, Paris to discuss European recovery. Chief delegates including Bevin, Bidault, Sforza, Spaak. Bevin took Presidential chair EUROPEAN AID PROGRAMME
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