stop living a fake life.

*** “Change life, start fresh.“ I started editing silly videos back in 2011/2012, but the sole reason I started uploading them on YouTube was to show them to two of my friends and my father. Most of the time, the stuff I did was to amuse myself or to look back on it once I’ve moved on -to laugh, reminisce. The time spent editing turned out to be more productive and fun than doing nothing at home, so it became a neat hobby. Eventually, my friends moved on from watching the silly videos I made. My father was very busy, so I got left with no audience. Well, I was going to move on too eventually because my dream was to be a pilot, but unfortunately for me, I could not become one due to my health condition. Well, being depressed I stopped editing for a year. However, I could not sit around doing anything on my PC so, in 2015, I posted a video which to my surprise got a lot of engagement and so forth began my story. I’ve always tried to challenge myself to be different f
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