Челябинск и Магнитогорск: главные достопримечательности промышленного туризма (ENG SUBS)
#РегионыРоссии #Росконгресс #Челябинск #Магнитогорск
The #RegionsofRussia team visited Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, cities where Siberia connects with the Urals and Europe meets Asia.
Chelyabinsk is known as the industrial capital of Russia. In 2013, it also gained worldwide fame in connection with the fall of a meteorite. However, few people know that this is the only city in Russia, in the center of which, just a 10-minute walk from the main square, there is a real forest. Nevertheless, we also saw the meteorite, of course.
And the main attraction of Magnitogorsk is the local metallurgical plant. Its scope is striking: a blast furnace shop is the largest in Russia, a sheet-rolling shop covers an area of 15 football fields, and metallurgical robots work there.
Watch our video to learn about unique possibilities of industrial tourism and more.
Команда проекта «Регионы России» посетила Челябинск и Магнитогорск, города, где Сибирь соединяется с Уралом, а Европа – с Азией.