Primal Movement Routine for Beginners | FAT BURNING CARDIO

🔥 This primal movement routine combines a HIIT block where your cardio is going to be challenged with slow as well as explosive movements, followed by a CREATIVE block where you’ll be free to improvise with movements and create sequences. After having moved that much we’ll end the session with a contrast of standing stillness take all that experience IN and observe how we are feeling. We hope this practice serves you well family! Thanks for being here. We love you. - The SM Team ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ────────────────── ⋅☉⋅ ────────────────── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⏰ TIME-STAMPS: INTRO (00:00) PRIMAL WARM-UP (07:10) 🍃 EARTH - GROUND MOVEMENTS SET #1 A1 - BEAR CRAWL PUSH-UPS (07:26) A2 - S
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