Who is Klaus Schwab? He is one of the most influential people in the world, yet almost nobody knows about him. Schwab is well connected with heads of state, billionaires, and tech moguls from all around the world. He is the founder of the infamous World Economic Forum. An organization with the global objective of making a more “sustainable” planet earth. This soft language hides the true intentions of the contributors to this global agenda. Behind what seems to be an innocuous, boring mission for the greater good of humanity, is actually a plan to reduce the global population by roughly 7 bill
...ion people. Yes, you read that correctly. Environmental and diet restrictions are simply a means to an end. Klaus Schwab is a self-appointed leader of a global agenda that attempts to create a sort of “Utopia” that is not unlike the efforts of notable megalomaniacs in history such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini.
00:00 - Is Klaus Schwab A Supervillain?
00:53 - Ideas Have Consequences Show Opening
02:39 - Tome Special Offer
04:20 - Klaus Schwab - A Pivotal Moment Clip
04:47 - Klaus Schwab and the WEF Global Agenda
07:16 - Conspiracy Theories vs. Knowable Truth
16:19 - Reducing the Global Population
19:04 - Fyodor Dostoevsky Literature
21:12 - Fact Check News Hides The Truth
25:00 - Disgraced BBC News / Media Manipulation
27:54 - Dennis Meadows and “Sustainability”
30:16 - Hijacking Language For Different Meaning
33:41 - Klaus Schwab Is A Real Life Bond Villain
45:26 - How Larry Got Banned In China
45:49 - Utopia Always Leads to Genocide
47:08 - Social Darwinism and Fascist Ideologies
54:25 - The WEF is the HOA From Hell
56:30 - The Great Reset
59:49 - Klaus’ Engineer Thinking / Classic Literature
1:03:14 - Fact Checks Hide the Truth
1:04:43 - “Anything That Can Be Done Should Be Done”
1:05:53 - Dangers of Ai and Unregulated Technology
1:08:32 - Secular Apocalyptic Literature That Influenced Schwab
1:13:32 - Elitists Believe They Are Superior To Everybody ElseShow more