Guide to MEXICAN WINE - VALLE DE GUADALUPE MEXICO | Travel to Ensenada | America’s #1 Wine Show

V is for Vino is going south of the border to Ensenada, Mexico to explore the wines of the Valle de Guadalupe! Never heard of Mexican wine, you say? Well, get ready. The area we’re heading to has been called the “Napa Valley of Mexico” and has been producing wine for hundreds of years. Ensenada and its Mexican Wine Country is full of the spirit and passion the Mexican people are known for, and it permeates into every aspect of life; the food, the tenacity of the people, the culture, and the wine. You can have it all from street tacos to modern, fancy Mexican food paired with some amazing wine. Learn about this up-and-coming wine region on this episode of America’s #1 Wine Show, V is for Vino! ___________________ Watch ad free, buy the wine from the episode, get the recipes, and learn the locations featured: Join the Vino VIP Club for more content; only $5 per month! 0:00 Intro
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