Michael Wagner | Major Issues (Full Playthrough)

Killer tone. Killer licks. Killer player. Taken from the “Professional Basics Masterclass“: “Major Issues“ is a track that shows you what you can achieve if you nail the basics needed to become a pro guitar player. In Michael’s masterclass he dives head first into these concepts and delivers an incredible resource for players of all backgrounds. Whether you’re new to guitar or a seasoned shred master, there’s lessons in here that all guitarists should master in order to become a professional musician in the industry. 🎸 PDF 🎸 3 Intro Videos 🎸 3 Lessons on Timing 🎸 4 Lessons on Chords 🎸 4 Lessons Fretboard Orientation 🎸 4 Slow Licks (Video/Audio) 🎸 Full Playthrough 🎸 6 Backings 🎸 Full Tab/Notation ---------- Get the release: Michael Wagner Playlist: Michael’s social YT: FB: IG: -----
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