Release US’s early data including ill Americans at World Military Games in Wuhan!

Zhao Lijian: In order to shift its responsibility in poor COVID-19 response and out of the political motive of smearing and suppressing others, the US has been busy with politicization, stigmatization, and turning origin-tracing study into its tool. It has made lying, vilifying and coercing its standard practice without any respect for facts, science and justice. Such despicable behavior of the US will leave a stain in the history of the humanity’s fight against diseases. No country can whitewash itself by smearing others. To prove itself “transparent and responsible”, the US should start with the following four things: First, the US should publish and examine the data of its early cases, including the respiratory diseases of unknown cause in Virginia, the large-scale EVALI outbreak in Wisconsin and the unexplained pneumonia outbreaks in two retirement communities near the Fort Detrick base in July 2019, and vaping-related lung illness cases that doubled in Maryland in September 2019. The US CDC
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