Review & How To Use The Datacolor SpyderLENSCAL

Most photographers want their images to be as sharp as they possibly can and just assume that the lens and body are working together to create the best possible image under all circumstances. Unfortunately this is not always the case. All good DSLR cameras come with a way to make micro-adjustments to the calibration of the lens and body combination you are using. If you want to get the absolute maximum sharpness in your images you need to make sure the calibrations is spot on. Most of us do this (when we bother that is) at expos and conventions and never worry about it again. The Spyder Lenscal is a pop up target which will allow you to test the calibration of your lens yourself and adjust it so that you KNOW you’re getting the best possible image out of your camera. By using it you can dial in each individual lens and body combination to take your images to a new height of sharpness. It is not difficult at all and takes only a few minutes. Save the money at the expos for more stuff and apply a little DI
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