Marine Biology (1959)

Isle of Man. M/S of a group of young women students crouching beside a rock pool. C/Us of things being taken out of the pools and dropped into test tubes. M/S of Dr Joanna Kain on board a boat with a male companion. She is climbing into a wet suit. Narrator makes a joke about Joanna being “one of the most attractive sub-literal algologists working in Britain today.“ She is not a glamour puss by any means. A marine biologist, Dr Kain collects and studies seaweed. C/U of her putting on goggles. Various shots of the good ship “Cypris“ - operated from the Isle of Man - which is a research ship for the Port Erin Marine Biological Station. Various shots of Dr Kain getting into the water then underwater shots of seaweed. A water sample is taken from the sea. Dr John Slim takes temperature of the sea water and collects samples from different levels using a Nansen-Patterson bottle. Various shots of bottles being filled with sea water. Part of the work of the Port Erin Station is to examine the habits
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