Commissions, Commissions, Commissions!!! - John White & Bill Must
#ONPASSIVE #ashmufareh #BillMust #Burjkhalifa
ONPASSIVE is a Life Changer! Finally, people will have something that everyone can Totally change their lives. The World will benefit from those changes. ONPASSIVE is doing Heartfelt things before it opens to the World. Early Affiliates are united in the purpose of bringing a better life, to all who are stuck in lives they desperately want to change. ONPASSIVE is on a Mission to Change Lives of people no matter where they live!! Those who use the Internet and those who don’t; will benefit!! ONPASSIVE will completely change the Financial problems of those millions of poor people and children who go to bed hungry each night. They will be able to support their families because of ONPASSIVE!. When ONPASSIVE comes into their lives, they will no longer have to run and hide from bill collectors. No more cutoff notices for electric bills, gas bills, 3-day pay or quit rent notices, telephone being disconnected while talking to someone. No more standing in line in grocery stores wondering if they have enough to pay the bill. They will have self-respect. They will undergo a change that will be Stunning! All of their financial concerns will be Covered and they can be able to Dream and have things that the one percent have! Total Financial and Time Freedom. That is what new Affiliates and Customers have in their future with ONPASSIVE! That is the effect ONPASSIVE will have on All those Lives touched by ONPASSIVE! New Affiliates and Customers be on the watch for links to join ONPASSIVE! You will be able to dream again. ONPASSIVE was created by Mr. Ash Mufareh, who has an Incomparable Vision, that guided him in creating ONPASSIVE! That Vision is a reality with the Arrival of ONPASSIVE. All The Early Affiliates of ONPASSIVE believe in ONPASSIVE’s ability to Change Lives. ONPASSIVE has not opened fully to the world, and already it is causing Uncontrolled Joy for The Early Affiliates and Customers. This week starts a Monumental change in ONPASSIVE. The fruits of hard work by Mr. Ash Mufareh and his Technology Staff, Media, and Marketing Professionals know what is about to Happen. Early Affiliates who have been on this Journey of ONPASSIVE know what is happening starting this second week of January 2024 and Beyond! The Maiden Voyage of ONPASSIVE is Over. ONPASSIVE is Already a Success. All Obstacles have been removed and Challenges met! ONPASSIVE is a Life Changer. Early Affiliates and Customers know what time it is! It’s ONPASSIVE Time All over the World! ONPASSIVE has Created a New Time Zone! ONPASSIVE Is a Done Deal! Commissions, Commissions, Commissions!!!
Please ask for permission before using any content created by Bill Must Productions or any content uploaded to this channel, Thank You!
1 view
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