THREE Best Exercises To RELIEVE Your Vertigo | Physical Therapist Explains
Most of the time, BPPV is the go-to first thought when people think of vertigo. This is the type of vertigo that occurs when the crystals in your inner ear that are responsible for determining your position in space get out of whack. When this happens, they can create that spinning sensation when you move. But BPPV is NOT the only type or cause of vertigo. And oftentimes, these other causes and the techniques to manage them are overlooked by those who look first to BPPV.
So today we are going to look at all of the exercises we have in our physical therapy arsenal to manage vertigo, regardless of the cause.
Tentorium Membrane Stretch:
Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) Exercises:
Epley’s Maneuver:
Not all exercises, suggestions, and recommendations presented here are suitable for