16 Things That Break Your Cat’s HEART

In this cat video, we discussed 16 Things that EMOTIONALLY Hurt Your Cat or 16 Things That Break Your Cat’s HEART. One truth many cat owners have settled with is that cats aren’t the easiest animals to own. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t the sweetest little creatures to have around. Even with the whole tough feline facade they try to front with, we all know, they have very delicate feelings. As much as they can be happy and excited, they can also get very sad and disappointed. So, chances are you’ve probably hurt their feelings at some point. Of course, none of these instances may have been intentional. However, while we may not have control over everything in life, we definitely should be able to control our actions. So, here are 16 things that emotionally hurt your cat that you should be aware of. 16. Pushing Them Away No one likes to be pushed away, especially when all they want is your attention, and the case is not very different with cats. As a cat owner, you may have
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