Police Chase and Tase Self-Checkout Thief | Walmart Shoplifting Duo Captured

On the evening of September 25, 2022, Officer Brown was notified by Walmart loss prevention that a man had taken two duffle bags out of their packaging and filled them with items. A second man appeared to be with him, acting as a lookout. Officer Brown positioned himself outside the general merchandise doors as loss prevention watched the men go into the self-checkout area where they purchased a Halloween costume, then took the duffle bags and walked toward the exit. Officer Brown and loss prevention met the men at the breezeway. The man with the duffle bags tried to run, but Officer Brown grabbed onto him. The man resisted, struggling to get away, and the two ended up wrestling back inside the store. At one point, the officer was able to get on his radio and call 10-18 for officers in the area to respond. The man continued to resist, and when Officer Brown attempted to transition to his taser to get the man to comply, the man finally slipped free and ran. Around that time, Officer Valenzuela arrived and spotted the male subject running out of the store. He pursued on foot, giving the man numerous verbal commands to stop, but the man continued to flee, so Officer Valenzuela deployed his department issued taser and tackled him. Another officer arrived to assist, and the man was finally put into handcuffs. During a search of his person, the officers found a plastic baggie containing narcotics. The man was charged with Shoplifting (felony), Conspiracy to Commit Shoplifting (felony), Resisting, Evading, or Obstructing an Officer (misdemeanor), Trafficking Controlled Substances (felony), and Possession of a Controlled Substance (felony). The second male subject was also arrested on Shoplifting (felony) and Conspiracy to Commit Shoplifting (felony). On November 21, 2022, all charges for both men were dismissed by the New Mexico District Attorney. Footage on Body Cam Watch is for educational purposes only. All information has been supplied by local law enforcement agencies and is considered by law to be public information. Body-worn camera footage has been edited for length and in accordance with YouTube community guidelines while maintaining a journalistic focus.
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