Russian Glide Bombs Vs American JDAM | How it Works

#ukraine #usarmy #russia In this video, we will take a look at two glide bombs: the Soviet-era FAB 500 and the American-made JDAM smart bombs. One of the major differences is that the American weapons when attached with a guidance tail kit converts the unguided Bomb, such as the Mark 82, into “smart“ munitions weapon. In contrast, the FAB 500, requires a guidance kit that can open its wings and fly to its target using the GLONASS, Russian guidance system. The upgraded Fab 500 glide weapon costs around $24,000, while the J dam, costs approximately $36,000. We’ll also take a look a look at the basic step-by-step process of the Fab 500 glide bomb works not to forget the operation of JDAMER all in the video ahead. Instagram Twitter We make it on Blender Download it is free and Safe Peace Out As a small channel, we
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