Quiet Lofi Radio to Study/Relax to πŸŒ™ [24/7 Live]

All the lofi music has been curated carefully to only include slow and non-distracting beats music you could actually study to without getting distracted. This is a living Lofi radio with new slow quiet Lofi music added as time passes. MDProspect’s signature effects have been applied, getting rid of high frequencies and high hats that often distract you with typical lofi music. Perfect beats to study/relax/work/chill to, & you can use this as a study with me! There is a 50min / 10min Pomodoro timer with a bell. Enjoy! #Study #Relax #Chill Graphics: @Sandrotsk πŸ“šMy Study Space Set Up for 2021πŸ“š -Link to my amazon affiliate links, none are sponsored- πŸ–₯️ Monitor Dell 27β€œ 4K Monitor (Rated Best for Office Use) = - If you are buying this, you need a 4k 60Hz HDMI Cable = LG 29” Ultrawide 1080p monitor = Monitor Riser = πŸ’¨ Diffuser Zoe Stadler = VItruvi Diffuser = Saj
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