Bang PD Talks Jimins BAD Condition! Jimin B*ULLIED & B*EAT At Camp In Clip?(rumor) REMOVED From Area

Watch Kpop Videos w/ Me: Hey Dumplings, today we need to get into more #KPop news, specifically more #BTS news. I want to get into Bang PD apparently talking about Jimin when they first started and how he believed Jimin wasn’t good enough. We also need to get into people saying that Jimin will get attacked at the camp. And then we have BTS removed from several areas and what that is about. Let me know what you think and drop your thoughts down below in the comments. 0:00 Table of Contents 0:23 BTS Gets Removed From Areas 4:00 Bang PD Mentions Jimin’s Condition 6:00 Jimin Attacked At The Cam...p? 8:38 What You Can Do Next To Support? Affiliate links: Get $4 off your first LYFT Can ride: BTS UNO Cards: BTS Speakers: BTS Merch Set: Dumpling Tea Spilling Mug Merch:
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