[Portrait] 06. Diabarha - Needed The Same as Yours

=== Note: available also on if you wanted to leave a dislike that’s visible to others. === This had to be named differently, but this service’s policy does not allow me to say it. On the rat race, when everyone wants to achieve more - what for? Usually for himself to feel better and so his colleagues feel jealous. Egocentric person; thinking that he/she is the best, and deserves everything that can reach. What about that what can’t be reached? Either the person does not need it... or that’s the point where the envy starts. As it was said, somewhere in memes, but it’s an important quote: “Where everyone is special, nobody is“. True. And where someone wants to be special, everyone starts to feel this urge. It’s contagious. “Wishing all the worst to people, who possess more than I do“ - I think this pictures us all perfectly. At least some of us... but who doesn’t want literally anything? ____________________ Release name: SKRD!!!-134 Portrait Release date: 1 Dec 2021 YT playlist: Genre(s): Extratone 1000 BPM Scale: C Oriental Background image: Discogs release: SKRD!!! webpage: Licenced as: CC3 / CC0 (pick one)
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