Dyeing with Ashford Wool Dyes

Dyeing your yarn or fibre or fabric is easy with Ashford Wool Dyes. Our wool dyes are non-toxic, acid exhaust, protein fibre dyes. The only mordant (fixing agent) you need is white vinegar. 10gms of dye stuff (powder) will dye 1kg of fibre or yarn at full concentrate. For more information see our website For more dyeing tutorials visit our website For the full range of fibres visit our website Safety info: Ashford dyes, if used correctly, are non-hazardous to humans. They are weak acid dyes that are fixed with only common white vinegar and heat. Fibre, yarn and textiles dyed with the Ashford dyes can be worn against the skin without risk. We are in close co-operation with all our suppliers of dyes to ensure they are safe to use and wear. The dyes comply with the strict EU regulations and the manufacturers confirm that cloth dyed with the Ashford dyes can
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