World’s Most Advanced Police Car Fleets

Police forces across the world take pride in which vehicles they use to operate in and patrol the streets of their respective countries. Some countries are much more humble in the cars they choose while others go all out and use the fastest and most expensive supercars. In this episode of Xplained we take a look at which countries use the most powerful and expensive cars in their fleet. Be sure to subscribe to our channel so you never miss out on an episode of Xplained. Check out the links below for credit for the incredible footage used! For any copyright inquiries or crediting please get touch with info@ All4motion - @All4motion24 ABT Sportsline - @ABTSportslineTV Policie ČR - @PolicieCZ Blue Light Videos - @policemadbenntaj DragonEmergencyVideos - @dragonemergencyvideos1781 Stellantis North America - @StellantisNA Nick OFF Duty - @NickOFFDuty Stellantis Fleet & Business Solutions US - @stellantisfleetus LencoArmoredVehicles - @LencoArmoredVehicles News4JAX - @News4JAX Denver7 – The Denver Channel - @Denver7 KTLA 5 - @KTLA5 Courtesy Fleet - @CourtesyFleet SYU1RR Shio - @syu1rrshio505 じゃがいもこぞう - @user-zq3ur7db5s JDM clips - @JDMclips 日産自動車株式会社 - @NissanJapan Adam Zillin - @zildog Autobahn Mechanix - @autobahnmechanix1324 F.C. Autosource K.K. - @ KYODO NEWS - @KyodoNews Japan Machine - @japanmachine502 Walkmanz0623 - @walkmanz0623 ShuBoxInc - @ShuBoxInc Marchettino - @marchettino WiredChuck - @WiredChuck Polizia di Stato - Twitter - Niki Motorsport - @nikimotorsport Veicoli d’emergenza - @veicolidemergenza Stellantis - @FiammebluChannel Crospotter13 - @crospotter13 Poliziadistato - @poliziadistato Teletruria TVWEB - @Teletruria W Motors - @WMOTORSOFFICIALPAGE GTV Media Group - @GTVMG Dubai Police شرطة دبي - @dubaipolicehq MOIUAE - @MOIUAEofficialpage - @arabgt
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