A few minutes ago in Netherlands!! Unprecedented flood caused havoc in Enschede Twente

A few minutes ago in Netherlands! Unprecedented flood caused havoc in Enschede Twente Heavy rain on Sunday caused extreme flooding in many places in the Twente region, and in the afternoon also in Achterhoek. The impact of the bad weather was most severe in most of the Twente region, including Overijssel Province. In cities such as Enschede, Oldenzaal, Losser and De Lutte, entire neighborhoods were flooded. #twente #netherlands #flood #rain #storm #weather #naturaldisaster #climatechange #globalwarming #enschede #dutch #news #today flood in enschede,flood in twente,flood in netherlands,fl...ood news,twente news,rain in netherlands,netherlands news,netherlands weather The information on this Nau Channel YouTube Channel and the resources available are for educational and informational purposes only. NOTE: Please email us if you discover any unauthorized use of your copyrighted content (music, images, and video) e-mail: nauchannelnews@
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