Sons of Mars - Epic Roman Music

NEW ROMAN SONG—Song of Hadrian’s Wall: You can buy this song and my other songs here: Composition and vocals by Farya Faraji. This song is just me having a bit of fun writing a Roman military march. No deep historical value to this one--this is entirely a modern piece. I limited the instrumentation to trumpets, drums and a kithara, which the Romans had, although I added cymbals which aren’t historically accurate. I used the Classical Latin pronunciation for the lyrics. Lyrics: Per aspera ad astra, Per ardua ad astra, Exurge Mars, Mars Ultor, Roma et Imperator, Viribus unitis, Semper fidelis! Sumus filii* Lupae capitolinae! English translation: Through hardships to the stars, Through adversity to the stars, Awake Mars, Mars the avenger, For Rome and the Emperor*, With forces united, Forever loyal! We are sons of the
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