Cat mother teaches her kittens to wash up

Cats are very clean pets. Our mother cat Joanna takes cleaning her kittens very seriously. She has to make sure that her little kittens are clean and groomed at all times. She cleans them behind their ears and tails, paws and spouts - it’s so cute! Kittens don’t always like the excessive licking of their mother. So they want to learn how to lick themselves. And their mama cat helps them do just that. If you want to follow how our kittens are growing and spending their time, please like this video and subscribe to our channel - Foster mom cat licks loudly meowing kittens - Mama cat kisses adopted blind kitten - Rescued ginger kitten sleeps on daddy’s neck - #kitten #little_kittens #mom_cat #kittens_wash_up #kitten_cleaning ►►►►►►►►► THANKS FOR WATCHING◄◄φ
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