A knitting episode | 10+ sweaters I made in 2022 + a wip
To whom it may concern :-) This is doubtless not a video for everyone - but it may be interesting for any knitters out there. And that’s why I made it; to contribute a little to a community whose videos I’ve devoured and been inspired by lately. I speak relatively fast in it (I realized after the fact) because I was so eager to talk about all of these finished garments in less than an hour’s time, and therefore it probably isn’t, as such, a relaxing video, which I know many of you are used to. I will of course get back to those videos again very soon! I suspect it’s still a low key kind of video, with quiet background music, which is not usual for a knitting video. Well, it had to be my kind of knitting video - so...
The reason why I try on all the garments outside at the end is that it was getting to dark inside to film at that point (the joy of a Nordic November).
I would love to connect with any knitters out there. If you would like more information on anything in the video, don