Boat out of water

It is late March 2020. In “lock-down“ due to the Covid-19 pandemic, deep in the county of Somerset, southwest England, I work on my boat and try to answer viewers’ questions. At present people in Britain have to stay at home, other than for essential travel. Cafes, bars and restaurants are closed, many workplaces and most shops. Leisure sailing is banned. This situation is likely to last for some weeks at least, and restrictions will probably remain in place into next year. Everyone is having to live with similar regulatory restriction across Europe, as well as many other countries in the world. I try to be positive about this situation in the video, but the death toll is still rising exponentially and there are serious fears about the lack of sufficient trained nurses and intensive care beds, availability of protective clothing for healthcare staff as well as ventilators for people stricken with pneumonia. ERSE À BOUTON (especially for people who speak French). Ici une vid
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