Merzbow, Balázs Pándi & Richard Pinhas with Lieko Shiga: “Bipolar”
This visual concert marks the first collaboration between photographer SHIGA Lieko, who creates the video works for the concert; Merzbow, a noise project by AKITA Masami; Balázs PÁNDI, a drummer who worked with AKITA on the album Cuts; and Richard PINHAS, who pioneered experimental rock in France from the 1970s onward and continues to work as an author and guitarist. The layered, improvised sounds created by the three musicians blend with SHIGA’s new videos, which are edited live. Shaping SHIGA’s work is a focus on pursuing the relationship between society and nature, thinking about life through imagining death, and, since the Great East Japan Earthquake, exploring the inner reality of the madness of the human mind and body that continues to be suppressed by the earthquake reconstruction plan promoted by the national government and big corporations. Hearing the music resonate in a spacious theater, not through a pair of headphones, and seeing the images come into view across an expansive screen, not just a smartphone in your hand, is something that opens up entirely new experiences.
“Merzbow, Balázs Pándi & Richard Pinhas with Lieko Shiga: ‘Bipolar’“ was produced for the Japan Foundation’s International Creations in Performing Arts 2022.
Organized by: Kyoto Experiment and Kyoto Performing Arts Center at Kyoto University of the Arts
Co-Organized by: The Japan Foundation
Co-Produced by: Kyoto Experiment, Kyoto Performing Arts Center at Kyoto University of the Arts and The Japan Foundation
Performers: Merzbow, Balázs PÁNDI and Richard PINHAS
Video Creation and Live Editing: SHIGA Lieko
Video Shooting and Editing Technincal Support:SATO Takahiro
Camera Assistant: OHKUBO Motoki, KURIHARA Yusuke, CHIBA Dai, NAGASAKI Yoshitomo and FUKUDA Misato
Performers (Video): ARIMURA Maki, IWAMA Tomonori, KIKUCHI Soutaro, KUDO Natsumi, KURIHARA Yusuke, SAITO Harumichi, TAKAHASHI Manabu, NAKAMURA Yuki and MORIYAMA Manami
Stage Manager: OTA Kazushi (KPAC)
Sound: NISHIKAWA Bunsho, FUKAMI Hokuto and KIRIHARA Madoka
Lighting: TAKADA Masayoshi (RYU)
Technical Support: MORITA Ryo
Production Manager: GOTO Takanori and KAWAHARA Miho (KPAC)
Filmed at Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza on October 8, 2022.
Producers of the film: The Japan Foundation, Kyoto Experiment
Archive Film by: slide//show
Director of Photography: KIM Song-Gi, MATSUMI Takuya
Camera Operation: NAKAMURA Ippei, KIM Song-Gi, FUKUOKA So, MATSUMI Takuya
Editor: KAWASAKI Maya
End date of distribution: January 19, 2026.
メルツバウ、バラージ・パンディ、リシャール・ピナス with 志賀理江子「Bipolar」
映像を手がける志賀理江子、秋田昌美によるノイズ・プロジェクト「メルツバウ」、秋田との音楽アルバム「Cuts」にも参加するドラマーのバラージ・パンディ、そして 1970年代よりフランスのエクスペリメンタル・ロックを開拓し、現在も作家、ギタリストとして活動するリシャール・ピナスによる、初のコラボレーション。三者によって即興的に生み出されていく音の連なりに、リアルタイム編集でつくられる人間社会と自然の関わり、死への想像から生を思考すること、東日本大震災後は、国や巨大資本が推進した「復興計画」で抑圧され続ける人間精神の狂いの内実を追い求め、制作を続ける写真家・志賀の新作映像群が混じり合っていく。劇場の大きな空間に響く音楽、巨大なスクリーンに照射される映像は、私たちが普段から耳の穴に機器をつっこんだまま聴いてきた音楽、手のひらのなかのスマホで観てきた映像とは、異なる体験を呼び込んでくれる。
主催:KYOTO EXPERIMENT、京都芸術大学 舞台芸術研究センター
共催:独立行政法人国際交流基金(JF) ( )
共同制作:KYOTO EXPERIMENT、京都芸術大学 舞台芸術研究センター、独立行政法人国際交流基金
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