The Prime Minister makes a tour of inspection of a Royal Air Force station (1941)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Winston Churchill, together with British Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Charles Portal and First Sea Lord, Sir Dudley Pound, visits an RAF station to view the latest big bomber planes Full Description: ENGLAND: EXT CHURCHILL WINSTON. and Pound tours bomber station PORTAL Sir C. and Pound at Bomber Station POUND, A. Sir Dudley and Portal visits Bomber Station Personalities - Politicians; Royal Air Force aeroplane, pilot, fighter, WWII, Axis, Allies Background: Winston Churchill, together with British Chief of the Air Staff, Sir Charles Portal and First Sea Lord, Sir Dudley Pound, visits an RAF station to view the latest big bomber planes FILM ID: VLVACP1U1ADM39DSSD2XFVS13PLQJ To license this film, visit
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